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You probably made first contact with the application (registered and logged in). In this section I'll explain how things work in Prvstorage - application for storing personal files in a private environment.

  • Managing users
    • Generally speaking, users of this application must register and login, in order to be able to use this application.

      User accounts must be activated by an administrator of the application, in order to be able to access storage capabilities of the application.

      User accounts can have different roles: superadmin, admin, and regular user.

      IMPORTANT: First user to register for this application (the one that actually installs the application) will be superadmin of the application.

      Superadmin can:

      - Activate/deactivate users;
      - Delete user accounts;
      - Appoint administrators, who can activate and deactivate user accounts;
  • Using Prvstorage
    The application is pretty intuitive regarding actions like uploading, downloading, sharing files and folders.
    • Uploading
    • One can upload single file or multiple files.
    • Uploaded files and folders are stored separately as per registered user.
    • Every registered user has full access to their own files.
    • Every registered user may access for view an copy folders that other users specifically shared with them.
    • Desktop browsers allow uploading folders/directories.
    • Speed of uploads mainly depend on the bandwidth of both the device that performs the upload and the server that receives the upload.

    • Downloading
    • One can download single file, multiple files or folders/directories.
    • When downloading multiple files or directories, Prvstorage creates a zip file containing selected files/directory then the download starts. Big files / directories will take more time to get ready for download, depending on processing power of the server and the type of storage devices used.

    • Sharing - the hidden power rests here
    • Only registered users may share own files and folders.
    • Registered users may share files and folders to other registered users, within application or to whoever they want by sending a link to intended target to download the shared files/folders.
    • Prvstorage makes possible three types of sharing:
      • 1# Sharing with all registered users (within the application)
      • There is a shared folder named NShare where registered users may share files and folders. Every registered user has full access to NShare folder. I recommend copying files and folders to NShare for sharing and always have a copy in your own folders. Other users may delete files and folders you moved/copied to NShare folder.
      • 2# Sharing with a specific registered user (within the application), my favorite, introduced with ver. 0.10.0
      • This type of sharing may be viewed as a means of giving to another registered user permission to access a specific folder of your own. The user accesing your shared folder may only see and copy the contents of the shared folder. This is my favorite type of sharing because you have full control of what you share and it may prove disk-space efficient as you don't have to keep a copy of the folder contents (safe from harm) unlike in the previous type of sharing. All folders shared by other registered users will appear under UShare folder in app root folder.
      • 3# Sharing to "the others".
      • A registered user may create and distribute a link to someone outside this application. The receiver of this link may download the shared files/folders. This can be a one-time-share (after first use the shared link will become unavailable) or a link with unlimited number of downloads available for a period of time. The user may opt for making the link available for an extended period of time.
    • Users that shared files and folders may stop sharing at any time by deleting/ editing shares from the app top left menu.

    • Deleting files and folders
    • Deleting files and folders is pretty straightforward. You will only be asked to confirm the action.
    • Prvstorage, at this point, does not offer the possibility to recover deleted files.
    • File/Folder recovery, for deleted files and folders is on my "To do list" for the future releases.