There is a great tutorial on installing Apache, MySQL, PHP on Below I propose a fast-forward guide.
1. Open a terminal. Right click on your desktop, and click Open in
terminal. If on server version of Ubuntu just go to the next step.
2. Type the following command and hit ENTER to download package information
from all configured sources. You may skip this step if recently done it.
$ sudo apt update
3. Type the following command and hit ENTER to install PHP.
$ sudo apt install -y php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql
4. Now, for Prvstorage app to work properly, you need to make sure the
following php modules are installed: bcmath | ctype | fileinfo | json | mbstring | openssl | pdo
| tokenizer | xml | gd |
Type the following command and hit ENTER to check what php modules are installed.
$ php -m
For each module that is missing type the following command and hit ENTER to install it.
$ sudo apt install -y php-bcmath php-mbstring php-xml php-zip
On my test server I needed to install: bcmath | mbstring | xml | gd . The others were already
5. Now we need to edit php.ini configuration file, to better serve our
Php.ini configuration file location: /etc/php/X.X/apache2
, where
X.X is the version of installed PHP. To find your version, type
in terminal the following command.
$ php -v
On my test server location was: /etc/php/8.1/apache2
Type the fallowing command and hit Enter to edit php.ini configuration file:
$ sudo nano /etc/php/8.1/apache2/php.ini
Locate these configuration lines:
post_max_size = 8M -> set this to '0', with no 'M', 'G' or whatever.
upload_max_filesize = 2M -> for instance, you can change this to '2G' for 2 Gigabyte
7. The final touch, type the following command and hit ENTER to activate
Ubuntu firewall.
$ sudo ufw enable
8. Type the following command and hit ENTER to check firewall status.
$ sudo ufw status